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Friday Front-End’s Top Links in 2018

TL;DR: In 2018, Friday Front-End shared a curated list of five articles and one video every week. Here are the links that were most popular.

Image credit: Steven VanDesande Jr

In 2018, Friday Front-End shared a curated list of five articles and one video every week. Here are the links that were most popular:

screenshot of code

10: Here’s the thing about “unused CSS” tools

It seems unlikely that this analysis tool can handle all those possibilities. Even with loads of configuration, mock state, and integration testing, it couldn't cover the near-infinite possible permutations of all this.

screenshot of debugger in browser devtools

9: How to stop using console.log() and start using your browser’s debugger

One of the most common struggles that most new developers face is debugging. In this post, I will cover using breakpoints, stepping through your code, setting watch expressions, and applying your fixes in Chrome Developer Tools.

photo of laptop with code editor open

8: How to Write Accessible JavaScript

While accessibility can be frustrating, you can set yourself, your team, and your client up for success by planning for accessibility from the beginning. Here are four techniques to save you time and trouble when building accessible JavaScript-enabled websites and applications.

screenshot of fancy grid layout

7: The Layouts of Tomorrow

I went over to dribbble in search of fresh webdesign ideas - how hard is it to build a non-standard layout, given the modern CSS tools we have today?

layered textured background of planets with the tagline 'CSS Backgrounds: The Future is Now!'

6: Advanced effects with CSS background blend modes

This article will focus on background-blend-mode, the property with the most widespread support, and how you can use it today to create eye-catching backgrounds and photo effects for your website that once were only possible in Photoshop.

illustration of lego blocks

5: Web Components in 2018

For many front-end developers, components have become a central concept in their development workflow. Components provide a robust model for architecting and scaling complex applications, allowing for composition from smaller and simpler encapsulated parts.

Cartoon talking dinosaur saying: Moving pixels around in CSS was hard enough! Now I'm told it's cool to use non-semantic class names, inline CSS in HTML, and even write CSS styles in JavaScript! INSERT FAMILY GUY CSS GIF HERE

4: Modern CSS Explained For Dinosaurs

The goal of this article is to provide a historical context of how CSS approaches and tooling have evolved to what they are today in 2018. By understanding this history, it will be easier to understand each approach and how to use them to your benefit. Let’s get started!

title card reading: JS + if…else, if…else if, switch

3: 5 Tips to Write Better Conditionals in JavaScript

When working with JavaScript, we deal a lot with conditionals, here are the 5 tips for you to write better / cleaner conditionals.

illustration of a complex CSS grid layout

2: CSS Grid — The Beginner’s Guide

Absolutely great illustrations really make this a great intro to CSS Grid.

screenshot of CSS code

1: How I organize CSS in large projects using UFOCSS: Naming Convention

The main purpose of CSS naming conventions is to make the CSS selectors as informative and readable as possible, but defining a convention is not really a piece of cake. Naming is by far one the most debated activities in computer science. We can definitely benefit of a naming convention that helps us to write maintainable and scalable code. On the contrary, poorly written CSS can quickly drive us crazy and turn into a nightmare.

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