Finding Your Door
TL;DR: I don’t feel like I need to love everything about my door, but at least I think I shouldn’t be frustrated every time I use it.

“Hey! I heard you got a new door. How is it?”
“Oh, it’s pretty good. When my last door broke unexpectedly, I had to find a new door pretty quick, and I worried I may have made the decision too quickly. I like the color and the doorknob, but it’s just a little too short for me. I have to stoop slightly every time I walk through it, and sometimes I scrape my elbow on the latch.”
“Well, I have the same door you do, and let me tell you, it’s the best door I’ve ever had. My old door was only 3 feet tall, so you had to crawl through it! This door is a huge improvement.”
“Alright, but that doesn’t make this door any less frustrating. There are better doors out there.”
“Don’t be so sure! I was in the market for a new door not long ago, and it’s really competitive. I was just happy to find such a great door when I did, because there’s not much out there. And besides, you shouldn’t be so picky. My brother’s been looking for a door for 2 years now! He’s had to make do with a beaded curtain this whole time. Be grateful you’ve got a door at all.”
“That’s true, but I’ve got lots of connections with door sellers, and I’ve had a few offers for better doors. I hear what you’re saying, and I know not everyone has the opportunities I do… but my door is making me a little unhappy every time I use it. Why should I settle when I can look at others?”
“I don’t think you’ve given your door enough of a chance. Given more time, I think you’ll really grow to love it. And after awhile, you get used to stooping, you won’t even notice it anymore.”
“I don’t know, I’ve been using this door for over six months now, and it’s becoming clear that this type of door isn’t a good fit for me.”
“Six months! That’s nothing! I’ve been using that door for two years now. Sure, when I first got it, I was frustrated, but I adapted — and you’re using the new version! I had the original model with the brass hinges that sometimes just fell off. You don’t know how easy you have it. I really think you just need to stick with it.”
“Why would I want to stick with it? I’ve been using it long enough to know this door doesn’t work for me, why not look for a better option?”
“I mean, have you even tried to fix the problems you have with the door? Try taping the latch to protect your elbow! Wear a helmet so you don’t hit your head! Have you even called the manufacturer? How can the door company get better if you don’t share your problems with them? The president of the door company goes to my church, and when I spoke to him, he was really receptive to my concerns.”
“I don’t have that kind of direct line to the president, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable talking to him directly. And anyway, why is it my responsibility to make the door company better? If they’re making a bad door — actually, not even a bad door, just a door that isn’t a good fit for me — why shouldn’t I just get a new one?”
“It sounds like you just enjoy complaining about doors. Why do you care so much, anyway? It’s a door. You’re not supposed to love it, just use it.”
“Well, I don’t feel like I need to love everything about my door, but at least I think I shouldn’t be frustrated every time I use it. I mean, I walk through this door every day, I don’t want to dread that experience.”
“I dunno, I don’t think that’s realistic. Every door has problems, and I think you just need to adjust your expectations.”
“Well, then that’s where we disagree. There are better doors out there, and I don’t want to settle for one that isn’t right for me.”
“Good luck.”